Yes... There is A Code

I now know why it was said to "Seek Ye First The Kingdom ". It is because the information that is obtained at the end of that journey contains all of the answers to man's problems to include the issues that we have with women. The writing is as clear as day to those that have taken the journey and retrieved The Code. I have completed that particular journey, and I feel that it is my obligation to share the information with my Brothers. 

The information that was shown to me is no longer a theory. I have walk the path that I was instructed to and what was promised to me has been delivered. Now...I want the same thing for my Brothers!


  • I KNOW that you are tired of entertaining women that are not on the same page as you
  • I KNOW that you are fed up with wasting money on dates that only lead to the same basic situations
  • I KNOW what it's like to have a marriage go stagnant and NOT know why

You can learn The Code to Her Chemistry and leave that world behind like I did!


What awaits you after learning The Code:

1. Attracting YOUR 1% Woman that is yearning to be a vital part of your life's mission

2. Understanding The Chemistry of a woman and eliminating the fear of hypergamy.

3. Learning what keeps her sexual appetite at its highest and her loyalty on 10!

4. Learn how to get the 1% version of the woman that you are already with.

Get "The Code to Her Chemistry

Why Dating Coaches Don't Have the Answers

What dating coaches will not tell you is that the words that you are supposed to say to her, the demeanor that you are supposed to maintain is all BS. They will have you looking like every other man in these streets which means that you will literally be invisible.

What they can't tell you is that men are never to chase women anyway... we are to attract them. It's all just a ploy to keep you watching pointless content with the hopes of one day hearing the one strategy that will land THE perfect woman. But it won't happen. In fact it can't happen.

What your dating coaches can't tell you is how to attract your 1% woman. A woman that will seem "custom built" for you once you two cross paths. 

It took me years to figure out what the missing elements were and I finally found them after taking the time off to study the issues. I finally figured it out, and what was once a theory of mine has now been proven.

To be honest, it's not about women as much as we'd like to think, but more about life. The missing information that applies to women applies to all patterns in life, women are just more understood when you have this information and therefore more attracted.

I put together a 10 Chapter video book. "The Code to Her Chemistry" that will take both the man with NO LUCK with women as well as the married man that has lost the edge in his relationship and make them both  Men of Understanding that will attract or convert the woman in his life to the woman that he truly desires.

I don't just make the claim men. I show my life within my online content so that men can see how well a relationship can function when men know a certain thing. The lady in my life literally treats me like royalty 24/7 and I simply want EVERY man to experience this (I'll be sure to leave a link to our YouTube channel). 

Then let me show you the way Brother!